
By mike191435

A view from the top

Well for todays blip I decided to take a walk up to the chateau, the subject of yesterday's blip. Unfortunately, the weather is not so good today. Not very much sun and very overcast, which is a pity for the views, as you can't see as much detail. It is still very warm (28°) and I'm sure we are in for a storm tonight, always an experience in this part of the world! The blip for today then is taken from the top of the chateau looking down on the 'village' of Sail-sous-Couzan and the road from where I took yesterday's shot. The extras show another view from a different direction, the chateau chapel and auberge, and a close up of part of the old dungeon. The castle is medieval and very unstable, so most of the property is 'out of bounds' due to the possibility of falling rocks etc. The surrounding area is woodland and forest and home to many, many snakes (vipers) who are often seen crossing the stoney footpath! Fortunately, no sign of any whilst I was in the vicinity! I hope you have had a nice weekend and I thank you once again for your following, stars and numerous comments. I really appreciate it and am so glad to be back with you all. Have a nice evening and take care.

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