
By mike191435

Sail-sous-Couzan (42)

Well yet another day has come to an end. We left our hotel this morning just outside of Lyon and made our way towards Grenoble to spend the day with Christophe, one of Anne's sons. We arrived in good time for the aperitif and followed it with a tasty bbq. It has been very hot again today, so we ate inside rather than in the garden. At 5pm we said our "good byes" and took to the road once again, this time direction Clermont Ferrand. We are staying until the end of next week with some of Anne's former family in a little village called Sail-sous-Couzan, situated in the Forez region between St. Etienne and Clermont Ferrand. Today's blip is of the chateau which stands on a hill over looking the village. I hope to get a couple of nice photos (for a change!)  for my blips over the next few days, including some from the chateau itself, as well as from a local ski resort. Obviously there is no snow at this time of the year, but the views from the slopes are really beautiful. Let's hope all goes to plan! Thank you once again for your following and have a nice evening.

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