Time out

We had a wobbly morning. The girl is stroppy and emotional today. Maybe it's the run up to school- though she's sad to leave mama, she's pleased to try out year 2 "as I didn't much like year 1- year 2 should be better, I think". She's missing her routines; ballet, band, school clubs. She's tired. In the stress, we even managed to leave without her having breakfast more than a giant apple! I decided to leave early for church and take her to pick some blackberries. We also popped to see a friend to drop some dance stuff off. We had a wonderful time getting the blackberries. She said several times how much she loved it.

Church this morning was presentation day- all the children got beautiful new bibles. Lots of the children were changing Sunday school groups today too- including Katie. She was so pleased to be moving up- she was very ready to be in the next group and had a good time today. After the service I was pretty busy so she went and played on the adventure playground with her friends and cousins.

We stopped for some lunch stuff & had a quick meal. We walked up the street to our neighbours who have apples for people to share, we had a nice chat and chose a pile to go with the blackberries.

I had promised her I'd take her swimming this afternoon. it was uncertain we would make it for a while but we went, and we had a wonderful time. We went to her music teachers to look after the plants. Katie enjoyed carrying out the request for her to prune the sweet peas & picked a big pile of raspberries. Stroppy & emotional returned at home but after tea she calmed and had big snuggles & story ready for bed. Hoping tonight brings much sleep and my happy girl in the morning!

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