Onwards and upwards....

By Yana1

MM137 - Memorable

How opportune was today's Mono Monday Challenge?

Although these are not photographs taken today...I took photos of old photos...so the whole image was created today!

These are particularly memorable for us as they show information about my husband's grandfather who was a prisoner of war in Torun (now Poland) in world war 2.  The reason I have been looking at these today (before I even knew what the challenge was!) is that we are travelling to Gdansk this week and as Torun is only 2 hours away by train we have organised a trip to there.  After doing some research we found a guide who is prepared to do a bespoke tour for us and he now has these photos to help him try and do some research before we get there this week.  Fortunately we have quite a few documents about his time as a POW as he never spoke about his experiences so there is very little information that came directly from him.  All we know is that he was captured in June 1940 in St. Valerie in France and force marched to Torun and was finally liberated after being force marched towards West Germany in April 1945, a terrible experience for him and perhaps the reason he never spoke about it after the war.
We hope to see where he was imprisoned and find out much more about his day to day life as a POW when we visit Torun later this week.

A much calmer day today after yesterday's nonsense...I did hear back from Tesco with a grovelling apology but nothing so far from Panasonic...I await the next instalment!

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