Return to the North

By Viking

10,000 steps equals £10

After the excitement of yesterday I thought I would take it easy today. OK in truth I was well and truly buggered and struggled to get up this morning. It was therefore 3pm before I got to Far Ings for a walk to try and knock off some of my 10,000 steps for the day and hopefully capture some bird shots.
Alas no bird shots to speak of but I always love this archway of trees. It always makes me think of my favourite childhood books (Anne of Green Gables)
Also met another photographer at one of the hides and we discussed Blip - so hopefully a new member soon :-)

After I had done some chores I thought I had better knock off the other steps so headed round the village and out on a footpath. As I was on the last leg (literally and metaphorically ) I glanced down and saw a £10 note! Will put it towards the sponsorship that the 10k a day is for :-)

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