On a concrete block wall
Last night S told me that she and daughter J had seen a couple of new Local thoughts posted where they had driven past earlier in the day. She couldn't remember exactly where, but thought at least one was in Newton Road.
Last minute decision made to go to the medico-legal society annual debate. Two judges versus two docs on the topic of being home by 5:30. On the way there in a taxi I saw this one out the window of the cab, and knew that I had to run past this morning for a photo, before the phantom destroyer(s) tear it off the wall.
The debate was declared a draw by the adjudicator, a newly appointed High Court Justice. It was great entertainment and a pleasant evening. After I got home I watched the mens triathlon. Alastair Brownlee is so impressive. He took an aggressive and active part in the cycle portion, even knowing how fast he can run 10k. He looked fast, strong and unfussed throughout the run.
Woke earlier than I had to (habit or something) and went out in the predawn light, and down Newton Road to the large Golf equipment warehouse and was delighted to find thought Nø 15 intact and large. A bit of gentle rain made it a little tricky to take without getting the camera too wet. I decided to include the Newton Road bridge over the motorway system below. The slowness of the shutter can be seen by the spread of the tail lights and head lights of the cars on the bridge.
Latest in the thoughts series.
I wanted to post a slightly cropped version, removing the white blotch on the right of the image. However, it seems that doing any editing at all in iPhoto removes the EXIF data. As I don't feel strongly about it, I reverted to the original, to not have the hassle of seeking approval for a photo that is within the rules.
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