Early Morning Glow

Out early again with Finlay (just before 7 a.m.) as we are expecting a mini heatwave later! It was quite warm even at that hour and of course I was collecting cobwebs through the woods!

Initially it was quite cloudy but then over the fields the sun started to break though giving a wonderful fan of crepuscular rays - see extra (a 12 image stitch in Lightroom). Then I spotted some cow parsley and shot it silhouetted against the clouds - extra number 2. About 5 minutes later the sun really started to glow and lit up this field and tree - main shot. The crop is still waiting to be harvested...

After my success with entries for our church calendar for the last two years, I was dismayed to find out yesterday that they are not producing one this year as there were only 3 images besides mine submitted. The committee are somewhat disheartened at sales of this raised in excess of £2,500 for church funds last year alone.

They are looking to use the images for producing notelets and cards - although I did point out that fewer people are using the written/posted form of communication these days.

I did wonder, cheekily, if they would be happy to have thirteen of my images to put together a calendar. I am sure I can provide enough variety! Maybe I can suggest that to the organiser!

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