
By cowgirl


The advantage of being ill - I can lie on the sofa and watch the show jumping without feeling guilty. The disadvantage is I've had no voice for the last 48 hrs so have been cheering and shouting in the style of Marcel Marceau! However, I can still make that ' clicking ' noise with my tongue and it may become my new form of communication. One click = no, two clicks = yes, many clicks = get on over that water jump!!

We don't have enough tissues in the house to cope with Olympic emotions and a cold!

I love Hibiscus, they're so brash, shouting out " HEY, LOOK AT ME! ". They make hedges with them in Israel ( and other Mediterranean countries too I guess ) and my favourite is the red flower. However, they didn't have any red ones at the Eden Project, where Sav offered to buy me one, so I took this pink one.

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