The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The Great Escape

This photograph isn't the best I've taken but there is a reason! Behind the little temple is a wall. You can see that a big section of the wall has fallen down. So you might be wondering why that is significant, given that half the walls in Kathmandu are coming down at the moment due to a Government road widening scheme.

Well...the wall belongs to the Kathmandu Zoo. And behind the wall - well, when Paul and I last looked we saw elephants. And at night we can hear gibbons calling. And I am aware that there are lions and tiger and bears in there too...and suddenly they can see the light, the big wide world, and their escape route!!!

They don't seem to be in a hurry to mend the wall. They stuck a bit of netting up on Sunday and today, Wednesday, nothing has changed. Let's just hope the Animal Escape Committee hasn't hatched a plan...I don't fancy new furry neighbours! Early gym at 7am, saw my little lady on the way home and as I put the biscuit down she decided to sniff my hand - the closest we have got so far! I'm hoping to stroke her before I leave at the end of the month. Worked on my thesis article for publication, managed to get about 2,000 words down before midday. Twenty minute walk to Paul's school to meet him for a coffee at lunchtime and then I came back to work on my photography blog. Protein shake and a few pistachio nuts and I was off to the gym again for 5pm. Had a sprint session on the treadmill planned. Tired legs, I managed to complete it but then did a thirty minute stretching session so that I don't suffer in the morning! Dinner eaten and the Olympics on the TV, although the things I want to watch are at stupid o'clock. I'll miss out...I need to be in bed by 9pm!

Night all! ;0)

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