The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Biscuit buddy...

A year ago yesterday I blipped this little lady lying in the street. I spent the summer checking up on her and feeding her the odd biscuit here and there. Each time I have come back to Kathmandu she has still been in the same place, on my walk to the gym. This summer she pretty quickly realised that I was her biscuit buddy and every day she has become more friendly, getting up from her slumber when I walk towards her and coming to see what goodies I have for her. She won't come close enough to be touched, but today she sat and watched me take photos of her and chased her new liver biscuit as it rolled down the concrete! I took lots of photos and then realised that for some reason the camera white balance was set to tungsten! Doh! Anyway, settings altered I took a few more and this is the best of the rest.

So, today. Well, actually I am back blipping as we had no internet last night for some odd reason. I spent an age writing an essay and then 'blink' it was gone. Damn! Anyway, I woke early and popped to get Paul some milk, dressed in my muppet 'Animal' pj bottoms. I think the locals think I'm doubly odd now! Breakfast, work, a gym session, eggs, work, lunch, work...then had planned to go to Yoga but decided I really didn't want to so Paul came home from work and we watched the Olympics and drank some beer. Quality! Dinner and the Olympics ruled the evening and an early bed - by 9pm!!

All the exercises for part five of my photography course are now done, just got to do part four (bit back to front!) and the two assignments. And must start my thesis journal article and some school work...get your butt in gear woman!!!! So much to do...I need to re-write my jobs list!

PS. Brownlee brothers...AMAZING!!!!

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