Twilight zone ....
The Living Doll .. 1963 Made in black and white staring Telly Savalas ... Put me off dolls for life !! It would have been the late 70s when I saw that one as 1. I can remember it and 2. I must have been about 10 or my mum would not have let me watch it ..
Ever since then I have a shudder at dolls,China dolls and paintings with creepy bastard dolls in them !!
Mum and I went to a couple of antique barn places today,hence the vile doll blip.
I also have an irrational fear of the fictitious werewolf thanks to the 1981 film set in London .. I refuse to ever use the tube it bothers me that much ... It didn't help that when I saw the film I was so drunk on Johnny Walker black label whisky I not only became scared but was sick on my dad and told him I'd eaten a bad burger at my friends .
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