
By briocarioca

Off to work

Our volunteer has been assigned to the Olympic Aquatic Centre and is a little frustrated by an excess of volunteers and not enough to do. Hopefully things will change today, the first - oops, no, the second day of competitions.
At home it was hard not to stay glued to the TV, the solution being to get on with the chores and record everything – which is why we're still up and watching at 12.30. I've never been that keen on swimming, I've never been that keen on swimming, but the Paralympic events are absolutely thrilling. And I’ve just seen Kazakhstan's Zulfiya Gabidullina receive her gold medal, at the age of 50. How totally wonderful is that!  

Wheelchair basketball, 7s football and the little bit of Goalball that we saw were also exciting. Our admiration for the Paralympic athletes knows no bounds.

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