
2years 288days

WHAT A DAY!! A long one, but a great one. We left home at 5.30 to go get our train to London. Katie was so good, snuggled in the meitai as we walked to the station, playing happily at the station when we got there. We had a very quick connection to make to the main train and she soon was sat eating breakfast. The journey didnt seem to take very long, she was good, she was excited. Excited about a day with new friends, excited about the olympics we were going to see. We arrived at Kings Cross, got to Victoria and she fell asleep. Right as we waited to meet Trudi.

A giant hug and a bit of a squeal in the middle of WHSmiths - we'd found Trudi! We walked to St James' Park to meet Catherine. We both mused about how we'd definitely know which was her. We neednt have worried. As we walked up to the play area, we saw a camera pointing at us, a giggling and familiar face behind it. More huge squeals, more giant hugs. For the next 2 hours, small people chased, smiled, laughed. Mummies photographed, smiled, laughed. Wonderful and totally natural times.

We listened to the Olympic volleyball taking place just across from us. The children had lollies, exchanged gifts, played in sandpits and swings. Trudi and I took them for lunch while Catherine did a shoot. It didnt last long, lunchtime, as we were joined by city residents, aka Mr Ratty and Mr Mousey.

After her shoot, we went for one of our own in a little meadow that C had found in the park. Here, the children picked flowers and threw petal confetti, they chased round the trees, the mummies played photographers yet again. We then walked from the park to Westminster, over the bridge and along the river bank. We shot more photos, we stopped for a yummy meal, then headed for the tube station. Shooting more photos on the way. Sad goodbyes to Trudi, before Catherine and I took the children to meet my brother's girlfriend who took us to the house we were staying at for the night.

Happy tiredness all round, we all crashed in front of the amazing evening of athletics. 3 gold medals in half an hour?! How fabulous was that!! Katie loved the whole thing. She watched some, she chased Cali round some more, she fell asleep on my lap in the evening, and slept through til (relatively) late.

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