
By AlrightFlower

Wandering not Wonder-ing

So, having decided this evening not to hide away in my room, I'm sitting in the very swish bar area of my very fancy hotel (I only paid half price for the room, of course!) waiting for the very attentive barman to bring me my very first gin fizz :-) Which he's now delivered, along with 3 small homemade meatballs. I wasn't aware that they were a traditional accompaniment to a gin fizz but, as I say, it's my first...

Ooh Vienna is P.R.E.T.T.Y! Seriously, I've been out all day and I haven't seen any ugliness all day. Well, there was the woman with the rather unstrategically placed holes in her leggings, but that's a story for another day when I've had much more alcohol...

It's been pointed put to me by a very dear friend that, if i'm a bit overwhelmed by this trip, I should just relax about it. I don't need to see every single thing in every place I go. And I must admit, without wishing to offend anyone, that one church is very much like another. I've seen many of them on my travels, particularly over the last few years. Some are more famous than others, some more vast than others, some more ornate than others. But they all serve the same purpose, and I suppose a non-religious person like me can only appreciate them so far. I don't partake of the services they offer, and my understanding of the religious imagery is limited. I tend to be more impressed by the external architecture!

There's also the risk, particularly on a trip of this length, that i'll return home with a thousand pictures and a) I'll never look at them again and b) I won't remember what half of them are! So, I've tried today, and shall continue to try, to be selective in my touristical goals, and wander more. In wandering today, I stumbled across the lovely little window display of my blip, and I'd bet a year's salary (well, ok, perhaps not that much - just in case) that you won't be able to guess what kind if shop it's from! Go on, have a guess - i'll bring a meatball home for the winner...

Tschüß x

ps the 'music' from the art installation of yesterday's blip sounded this afternoon more like R2D2 being slowly and thoroughly tortured...

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