Bearded Dragon

Mrs madwill was working today - so I have been left in charge of the chaos that is our house this week.

Our granddaughter woke around 8 a.m. and after a breakfast of "banana eggy bread" and assorted fruit (which disappeared rather quickly) we got dressed and had our first little play.

The we went out, firstly to drop something off for Mrs madwill and then on to Roundhay ParkTropical World. Lots of butterflies today - mostly orange - but my cameras never acclimatised and were fogged over the entire time! I did mange to get the lens cleaned briefly for a shot of this rather splendid chap resting on a tree branch.

After that we had a coffee and cake in the cafe (sounds like a blipmeet) then we went on to the playground for the swings and then walked all round Waterloo Lake. I fancied a cup of tea in the lakeside cafe - but it was full of old people (probably a giant blipmeet) and there was a long queue (I don't do queues) so we didn't bother. The we walked all the way back up the hill to the car and home for (late) lunch. Getting my blip in whilst I can - granddaughter is playing nicely with her toys!

Not even walked the dogs yet and my fitbit is registering nearly 11,000 steps.

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