Return to the North

By Viking

Enchanted wood

After a day in bed with a migraine it was back to a 10,000 steps day! The weather was a tad breezy and not especially sunny but no rain was in the air so I headed off to Normanby Hall for a trot around the woodlands there (3 circuits seems to be in the region of 10,000 steps!)
It also coincided with my uncle being on site. For the last 24 years he has organised a steam and traction rally there (as well as running a light railway at weekends) Not bad for someone who is 78 and has beaten prostrate cancer too!
So after two circuits and 7000 steps I called in on him and stayed for a chat with him and his pals. Then it was back into the woods once more.
Normanby Hall and grounds are owned now by the council and they have really tried to develop the place to keep it going. You can go inside the 'stately home'(small scale), there's a farming museum, cafe and 'splash palace' (where you can run under random sprinkling water jets) they've put a bird hide in the woods as well as various seats.
They have also put this brilliant spot in - a few wooden benches and a huge throne with 'Once upon a time' engraved on the chair back. Apparently local schools being the children here for storytelling expeditions.
The cost? £3 parking - which if you by a season ticket costs £14 for two people in the car. Bargain!!!

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