Why did I come in here?

By Bootneck

We took ourselves off to....

Trelissick, where The Hard-Nosed Eyebrow will present Antiques Roadshow on the 15th Sept.
Beautiful views down the Fal and then even better views of pie with clotted cream, excellent.
The NT car park attendant was being given a hard time by some uppity bitch female of the species until Robert burst out laughing and launched into a soliloquy, to the world at large, about the stupidity of some folk who think that volunteers are there to be abused....."don't you agree madam?" Huffy shuffle off.  :-))))

Flossie's attention was centred on her ball throwing device.

This stump is home and larder to lots of creatures. I once found a gang of wasps and a red admiral feeding on the exposed end of a large larvae. The RA raised it's antennae if a wasp got too close, seemed to fend them off. 

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