
By nicolapresland

Day Fifteen - Bus Trip

After boarding the bus at 11:45pm last night, I was amazed that I had slept almost completely through until 8:30/9am!! Unfortunately, later on that morning, I discovered that was had also missed breakfast which was disappointing as my tummy began to rumble!!

I spent most of my journey reading my book and napping. We made a few stops ago the way to drop people off, such as Mancora which seemed like a cool place. Lunch came around 1ish, chicken and rice and veg which was not horrible considering we were on a bus!!

We arrived at the Peru Ecuador border at around 2pm. We jumped off the bus and joined the queue to get your passport stamped stating you were leaving Peru. We then had to join another queue adjacent but a lot longer to get our entrance to Ecuador stamp.

Much to my annoyance, the locals obviously knew how this system worked and the Ecuador queue took much more time. There was a lady infringement of me with two children, and I eventually realised the rest of her party were in the queue to get a Peru leaving stamp. Gradually as her family got to the front, they all then came and joined the queue in front of Brendan and me. Now maybe two or three people I would have been okay with, but not less than twelve members of their family then joined the queue in front of us, resulting in us not moving for 30 minutes!!

It was very hot and stuffy in the immigration centre, which didn't help in our snappy attitudes!! We eventually got to the front, and the lady and Brendan chatted away in Ecuador, asking about our purpose in the country and how long we were spending. Almost an hour and a half after getting off the bus we got back on and continued our journey to Guayaquil!!

Once we arrived, we caught a taxi to our hostel, a nice little place near the main square and headed out for some dinner. For the life of us we couldn't find anywhere in central Quayaquil, so we went back to our guidebooks, and finally went to the district of Urdesa. The taxi driver wasn't too impressed with our vagueness of where we wanted to go, and we finally settled for a halal grill kebab. It was a little overpriced, especially after we were used to cheap cheap Peruvian prices!! None the less it filled a gap and was quite tasty!

Back at the hostel we couldn't wait to sleep properly, and with the A/C whacked up high, we were out like a light!

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