Shuggy Coos

Saturday 10th - This is a back blip from two days back (wifi below average)

This is going to be short – the Wi-Fi here is pathetic.  And yet, we went over the road to have dinner and I hooked into theirs very easily and very quick.  So frustrating.

We are now in the Isle of Skye – it’s windy and been raining ever since (and before) we arrived around 4.30 this afternoon.   But, it appeared to be clearing as dusk was falling so fingers crossed for tomorrow.  Still have to take what comes and really we haven’t had much damp weather and consider ourselves very lucky.

My blip is the shuggy coos (Highland Cattle) – they were wandering about the road and road side – what could be more appropriate. 
We woke to rain at Gairloch this morning, but it was clearing and remained like that for some hours.  A fabulous, varied and enjoyable drive to Applecross where we had lunch sitting outside, windy but dry.
We then set off on the highest road in Britain (Bealach na Ba) and what followed was an experience to say the very least.  The road one way, with passing spots sporadically placed – just as well as there were lots of vehicles, motor bikes, motor homes and crazily cyclists.  I say crazily as we were totally engulfed in cloud, raining cats and dogs, and visibility zilch in places.  At one point we had to back some way up as we met a camper-van and he wasn’t budging an inch.  I had to get out and help with the backing, then someone came up behind so he had to back as well.  Remembering, this road is winding, narrow; the wind was gale force and at times rather dangerous we thought.  At one point we met a car, an inch to spare, we both had to flatten our rear vision mirrors to get by.  But, we made it safely finally.  
Quite a drive from there to the bridge over to Skye, then again the rain was relentless.  Finally we arrived at Dunvegan, just a tiny settlement with an impressive castle.  We were tired, but fortunately, I had already booked two nights’ accommodation here.  

We went for a pootle about, but the weather wasn't conducive for viewing the area, so packed it in a went back to our nice BnB.

Over the road is a Bistro which fed us adequately.


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