Purple Magpie

By PurpleMagpie


I love the summer holidays.

I do have my moments when it all gets a bit much. For example this morning when BaBy S was unable to sleep as DS went and danced for him?/!?! Then once he went to sleep and they were told to be quiet they sang a very tuneless rendition of the never land pirates theme tune.

This led to a grumpy baby and a grumpy mom.

Then we had a walk to the local shops bumped into a friend. Went to the park and then came home with friend and her son and discussed everything under the sun.

So all in all it has been a lovely day.

Now the baby is in bed they are chilling and will be going to bed in a bit.

I like the lack of routine of the holiday, I like spending time with them and I enjoy the lack of the dreaded school run.

I am enjoying the Olympics very much but have to mention the young girl missing from South London called Tia Sharp. My heart goes out to her family who don't know where she is and I hope that there is a happy resolution to it soon. It has echoes of Shannon Matthews though and I hope beyond hope that I am wrong and that someone close to her is not involved.

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