And We're Getting There Quickly...
Summer came back to Ayrshire today, and Glasgow descended upon it's shores by the train load.
Even tonight, the streets around the beach were still busy, the last barbeques were being dampened and the cars being packed up and families heading off again.
The train from Ayr on the way back up to Home on a night like this was always a nightmare.
Tired burnt weans, with burn and crabbit mothers and fathers, and worst of all, the drunk ones; one extreme or another, sleeping or singing, while the kids ran riot.
Once I sat on the train for my twenty minutes journey, and almost went demented while drunk mum and dad rowed, while the three weans raced from one end of the train to the other...... They had achieved 15 times when I left.
Oh the temptation to put my foot out and send them flying, but to be honest, I was feart of mum and dad.
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