Off Centre

By RachelCarter

More copping out

For some reason I thought I could go to the beach this evening without my camera.

I have been regretting it ever since... It was misty and beautiful and I can certainly say I've learnt my lesson.

I've just been squelching around the garden in the dark swearing at myself for being such a fool and desperately trying to find something/anything! to take a pic of.

I was pretty surprised to see a bee buzzing around the buddleia in the dark but couldn't get a clear enough photo of that and have truly excelled my "that'll have to do" blip record tonight.

I'm feeling a bit useless at everything today. I often wonder whether to keep typing self-indulgently or type nothing at all when I feel like this.

Fairly soon (11 days!) I'll have a year's worth of blips and can look back at the this time last year blip entries every day and see what I think of my bad days and if I should keep my thoughts where they are.

Operation: Beat the Slugs is still underway. Today sharp grit went in around the beds, I've put down a few cabbage collars to see if they work, and I've discovered an interesting repellent in the form of wool pellets which are very stinky. I watched a slug actually turn around and head in the opposite direction as I was dropping the pellets around the edges of the lettuce beds.

The excessive olympic coverage on TV is still getting on my tits. I've tried to ignore it but I have a habit of watching the news before I go to bed. I've just accidentally caught a bit of women's boxing. Sport bores me but boxing upsets me. I hate it.
And all the talk about making sport and competition a more significant part of school life makes me want to scream. There is SO much more that is more important that is being completely overlooked. All the feel-good stuff from the Olympics will be short-lived and we will be left with some serious poverty issues in this country and sport will not be the answer.

The government we have are a bunch of out-of-touch twats. Especially George-"one hundred and ten percent"- Osborne.

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