
No, this is not a giant outdoor egg storage unit. It is in fact the joists and girders of the new build office block seen against a blue sky. I had a mini dander with my camera round the policies in the sun before His Lordship and I proving to be fickle lovers of the Temple of Toast, changed allegiance for the day to the new temple of toast  on the block, known to us as the Bellany café.

It appears  that his Lordship had second thoughts about the trouser purchase of yesterday (but not unfortunately the black polo shirt) and returned them to the shop this morning. He counted the pairs of trousers already existing in his wardrobe and came to conclusion than 17 pairs would likely see him out.

My Omani granddaughter back for her third year at Stirling University visited the Dower House this afternoon. She had time amidst the gossip and girlie talk, to do a French plait in my hair, something I find impossible to do myself. I think my arms are too short to reach round the back of my head.
She also told me the difference between a French plait and a Dutch Braid. You see, it's never too old to learn these things.
As HL said, thanks God for granddaughters, that's what we keep them for.
I have added the resultant French plait as an extra image.I'm chuffed to bits with it.

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