Day 3

I woke up this morning with a bad head and a bad attitude. I well and truly had the house moving blues. I didn't want to move anymore and could've cried at the thought at leaving our lovely home. But the show had to go on. Mr J was busy taking down all the big bits of furniture with his dad and Uncle K. Beds and wardrobes all dismantled. I had the kiddies and came to the new house to clean a bit. I started with the fridge and ended with hoovering up cobwebs. By midday I had had enough so I took the kiddies to the retail park for some lunch. It was an hour and half later that my cunning plan was foiled by Mr J. He couldn't get into the new house as he had left his keys inside and needed me to get back sharpish!

This afternoon P had her swimming lesson as usual and Mr J said he would come too. We sat and had a cuppa whilst A played with the trains. Half an hour's peace was just what I needed and finally my headache started to ease. We went back to the old house to do one more car boot load of stuff before heading to Frankie and Benny's for tea.

By the time we arrived back at the new house I felt much better again and started the quest of making a house a home. My first venture was to reinstate my pot plant on my new kitchen windowsill. Perfect. It feels like home already.

The kiddies and I are sleeping in the new house tonight. We managed to get their beds in the back of the car and then rebuilt in time for bed. I'm on the camp bed and Mr J is having a night at his brothers. It feels a bit weird and unnerving without him but I'm sure we'll be fine. We also received a lovely little hamper from the previous owners. It contains chocolates, bubbly and some flowers with a card saying that they hope we're are happy in our new home. How many sellers ever do that I wonder??

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