
Sister and I had made a list of things to do before she leaves sunday and as the weather was looking undecided thats how the day started. I took cuttings of plants she had bought and repotted plants she was taking of mine. I did washing,my  photographs, copied my albums and transferred them to her laptop  and made lunch. We were intending to go to Cotehele but we were both relaxed and happy so we stayed put! I sorted all my seed packets into the wooden trugs compartments and ended up with seeds sorted into types and then indoor and outdoor planting. I also discovered seeds dating back to 2013! So I also had 2 plastic containers of very old seed and seed from 2015! I will sprinkle both on 2 different small beds as an experiment next spring and see what, if anything grows and to test the longevity of seed types! All this time sister spent making a dry felted sheep and doing the border round her crochet blanket! 
Evening came and we headed to the chickens - sister harvested courgettes, beans  and flowers to take home with her - a little reminder of her Cornish holiday amongst all the other bits she had bought whilst staying with me. I also popped some eggs, jam and chutney into her going home food bag once home and she made a final meal from my Hello Fresh box! It was a nice way to end her last day with me.

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