Sunday salvia

A good nights sleep thankfully as we are heading back home today.

This is a beautiful blue salvia from down the bottom of their garden, which as you can see gets the early sun.....and so,has some great shadows too.

We were all up and done by 9 as we had decided to hit the road around 10, so after a quick bacon sarny we loaded up the car, said our goodbyes, probably until next year now and headed north. Thanks E&S for a lovely stay x

We had a pleasant, trouble free just under
4 hour journey....the new car hummed along nicely :-)

Once home we unpacked the car and decided a walk to the local shop was needed for milk and a paper.....only to find out that it was closed until Tuesday for refurb, so we had to walk down into town, so a slightly longer walk than anticipated, but it was good to stretch our legs.

Once home again, laundry sorted, bags unpacked, fish out of the freezer for dinner, then on to the watering and and weeding for an hour or so. We sat and had a cuppa in the sun for a spell, but it began to cloud over, so I decided it was time to prepare dinner. We had haddock, new potatoes and the obligatory,green beans ;-) with lemon and black pepper butter.

After dinner, time for a few phone calls, to catch up with messages, daughter, youngest son, mum......that took over an hour, then it was time for Mr P, followed by Miss V :-) such good viewing on Sunday's at the mo!! :-))'

Time for our own bed shortly, which is always nice after a spell away :-)

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