Hydrangea Limelight

Lovely sunny morning again.....up and out for an early appointment at the opticians. No need for new lenses thankfully........just a slight deterioration, which is normal apparently, for my age!

Hub did a little shopping and then sat on a bench in the sun to wait for me.....we walked home, then had a coffee in the garden. The sun was lovely and warm, wish it was less breezy though ;-)

Then back indoors to start on the cooking I needed to do.....tomorrow we are taking Mum to a jubilee reunion at the cruising club that she and dad belonged to for many years, when they had their narrowboat, so I prepared a chicken chasseur, with onions,mushrooms, carrots and cheesy mash to go with it. I'll take that with us tomorrow and we will stay and have dinner with mum.

I also made a vegetable curry, and marinated two chicken breasts in tikka masala for tonight's dinner. Then I prepared a peppered smoked mackerel salad for lunch today.
Hub was busy outside watering, weeding and generally tidying. Once we had had lunch, I made a start on the gardening that needed to be attended to. Lots of transplanting and dividing was the order of the day........really hard work, as th soil is so dry and compacted at the moment.

Today's blip is one of the transplanted shrubs, lovely Hydrangea Limelight. It's a bright white tinged with green when it first blooms, then as it starts to fade, it gets tinges of pink, as you can see here.

I think I might be a little stiff tomorrow after all the digging I've done today........my hands feel like sandpaper too, despite gardening gloves!

The plumber is here again, fitting our new shower, he didn't get here until 7pm.....he was going to do it tomorrow, but because we are out, he said he would come tonight and do it!

Oh yes, for those who are interested, we came third last night, there were the usual 3/4 questions that we had the answer to but opted for an alternative......we should have won really :-/ happy weekend all.

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