Roll With It

By Falmike

Not What We Planned

The plan today was to have breakfast and then set out at a leisurely pace for the North Shore, hire a surfboard and spend some time surfing and swimming.
We had breakfast and set off driving north along the west coast road and then we ran out of road, literally, the road went down to a dirt track. We retraced our route until we reached Farrington Beach where Joshua paddled and we had a look.
Our next move was to turn north aiming to join the road to North Shore, the road was shown as a normal road so imagine our surprise when a military checkpoint at the entrance to Lualualei Naval Magazine straddled the road. Laughing the guard said, "turning around?", again we retraced our steps.
This time we used Highways 1 and 2 to get to Waialua where we had Pulled Pork for lunch at the World Famous Kono's Diner. It was then on to Haleiwa, "The Surfing Capitol Of The World". We had a stroll and drink before heading on. Next stop, Waimea Falls Park, beautiful, we rode up to the waterfall in a 'stretched' golf cart and after a brief from the lifeguard swam in the pool beneath the waterfall.
Waimea Falls are believed by Hawaiians to be sacred, restorative and healing, they may be all or none of that but it was a thoroughly enjoyable experience. We dried off by walking down through the gardens, Sam and Josh enjoying a traditional Hawaiian shaved ice drink on the way.
Next stop Sunset Beach where we all swam and collected coral as souvenirs amazing beach, warm water, clean sand great place.
Turtle Head was worth a visit on the off chance we could get a coffee but with no coffee we continued to the "World Famous" Kahuka Grill where I had the Coconut Shrimp Platter with some of Smithy's Special Fries on the side; simply delicious and very filling.
We then continued the drive back to our 'condo' where I am now having coffee before turning in.
I never did get to surf - but tomorrow is another day!!
It's Pearl Harbour and the USS Arizona tomorrow.

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