Searchlight (490)

There was heavy rain overnight and it was still raining as we waded up the hill with the dogs. We have had more pleasant trips up the hill.
It was soon time for my beautiful wife to head to town for a course. Whilst she was away, I decided to try cleaning the boiler. It took me a fair bit longer than normal, being careful not to overdo things with my recovering arm, but I got it done without undue pain. A real sense of achievement, and a sign that I am well along the road to full recovery.
Once HV came back home, we had a quick lunch and trundled off to Stromness to collect Evie the Wonderdog for a walk. The sky was brightening and the rain had stopped. As we walked the wind dropped to nothing and the sun came out making it pleasantly warm.
I dropped down into the old searchlight, a relic from the war, which looks over Hoy Sound and gives a slightly different view of Hoy. I quite liked it.
We spent a little while with my Mum and Dad before heading home. Dad was quite cheery and upbeat today, which is always good to see.

Two years ago today, my beautiful wife agreed to my proposal that she become my beautiful wife, rather than just my beautiful girlfriend. Two years have flown past and so much has changed for both of us.

I love you Mrs P. :)

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