
By DramaQueen


Today couldn't have gone better. We'd decided to leave Knysna after breakfast as we thought if we could get to the game reserve for 2pm, we might be lucky and catch the afternoon game drive.
We were right on time! Checked in by 2.15 then game drive at 3.30.

The first faces we saw here were a couple who we'd met at the guest house in Hermanus, talk about a small world!

Our ranger is called Allen; he's a lovely lad (only 28) and we are in a group of 5 other brits and will remain so throughout our stay.
One of the other ladies is a dental hygienist I did make a mental note of her lovely teeth, so we've had a chat about that already!
There was a film crew here when we arrived, so Mr A was talking shop for a while. It's like work is slowly calling us back down to earth.

Our game drive was longer than I expected, 3 hours in total including a 'sundowner' for drinks by a watering hole.

Today we only saw Impala, buffalo, giraffe, wildebeest, rhino, zebra. Tomorrow morning we go to the other side of the reserve to see the big boys.....lions, rhino, elephant and hopefully hippos! I've put in my request with Allen for hippos ;-)

This giraffe was the last thing we saw just before the sun went down; I like its silhouette against the sky.

I have taken very few photos with my iPhone (mainly just for blip and our mums) I've tried to take everything with my Canon; I will post all the photos on Flickr when we get home

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