My Baby Boy Grows Up!

Samuel Squidget finally arrived from Cornwall via Portsmouth for a Mummy dinner of Chicken Pie with her sister. He was 21 yesterday and I still can't quite believe I have all big children now!

Im pretty sure judging from the look on his face that he loved the picture of Hollydog and Bear I had done for him because he admitted it made him feel a bit emosh! Emily and I also bought him a Leather jacket from Superdry he asked for, I bought him a tracker to put on his car keys because he keeps loosing them, a watch he chose so he stops being late for work, a little wooden box with Twenty One embossed on a bit of metal so he doesnt ever forget how old he is and a packet of Meercats jellys he put up his nose!

Mr W was very late for dinner because he took his Daughter to Cambridge and the Dartford Tunnel of Hell didn't help then we all stuffed Caterpillar cake until we were nearly sick.

And a good time was had by all!


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