The Bear Surprise

Samuel Squidget stayed the night last night after his birthday meal. I secretly arranged for Bear to come and visit as Sam adores dogs and misses Bear terribly. He's always going on about her.

Shes never been to this house before but her new Mummy said she was sure she could smell us as she turned the corner and onto the driveway. I then had a knock at the door and Bear was sitting on the door step alone! She came straight in, whined at me excitedly then ran in the house and went to find Mr W, who also had no idea she was coming!! 

Sam then came down stairs from the bathroom and said he knew who was here as he could also hear her excited noises! He had the biggest smile on his face.

We spent the next couple of hours playing with her and she seemed to enjoy dropping my Rubber ducks into the pond and getting them out again. She has bad shoulders so can't have balls thrown for her but she will throw them for you!!!

Sam and I then spent the afternoon just sitting in the garden chatting (as Im still off sick!) before he left to see his dad and Mr W took me to the cinema to see Bad Moms. Hilarious film!!

So all in all a great day and so glad I was able to arrange the Surprise visit from a very special girl.

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