The Boys

Tonight we did a little photo shoot. Mrs PS has made elderflower cordial for presents and we're making a label featuring the family, elderflowers etc.

Adam is a pretty keen photographer, of course, so he was keen to take some self timers of just us. A great future record.

Interestingly as I have climbed above 500, I have found the urge to take photos every day wayne somewhat, but then I look back at "a year ago" and realise what an important record it is. So business as usual.

So today, lots of work, a team meeting discussing the economic situation, and a meeting with the accountant to discuss the same situation. I felt a little better after that ... we're forecasting a 30% decline in revenue, but believe we can make it through with some belt tightening.

Here's hoping!

BTW, I loved this photo a year ago, and also yesterdays a year ago

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