
Yesterday Miss L was excited about food tech (cooking!!) at school. When I picked her up she presented me with two pitta breads stuffed with salad. And then burst into tears because she couldn't eat it "because it was gluten".
I said to her it can't be gluten because they wouldn't give her gluten pittas to eat. 
She said the teacher had told her not to eat it because it was gluten.
And then bawled her way all the way home.
And if there's one thing guaranteed to get me cross it's anything that upsets one of my Little Misses.
I went into see the teacher about it today asking could I just confirm the pitta bread was gluten free. 
It wasn't. But it's OK because the teacher told her not to eat it!
Er, not OK at all!!!
And then the teacher abdicated herself from all responsibility saying she just took the lesson, had nothing to do with recipes or getting the ingredients ready!!!!
For the last few years the wonderful teachers have given me a list of upcoming recipes, I've marked things she can't eat and they've provided alternatives.
Tonight we had a Meet the Teacher's tea at school and I voiced my unhappiness and concerns to the head. Would they let a nut allergy sufferer handles nuts and it be OK as long as they didn't eat them?!!!! She was visibly shocked, agreed it was very far from good enough and promised it would never happen again.
It had better not!!! 
Today was spent writing my 500 word commentary for my Creative Writing module. Got it all done - including in the car waiting to collect Miss L - and sent off to my tutor tonight.
One day before the deadline. Go me!!!!

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