Sunshine and Showers

We didn't even make it to the end of the first week without a trip back to school with a forgotten PE kit! Miss E has joined a running club at school on a Friday lunchtime and because it's not on her timetable it didn't get packed.
I said I'd go back to school with it but that this was the one and only time I'd be doing it. Did I mention that in her end of term report last year her teacher called me a "saint" for always coming to the rescue when she forgets things?!
It doesn't do her any favours I suppose!
I also had to pop to the pet shop to get Archie some food as we've run out. Must, must, must try harder on the shopping front!!
Mrs L was waiting when I got back. It was lovely to see her and drink tea and chat. I finally gave her massively overdue cards and presents for her birthday (23rd August!!!!) and Miss M's sixteenth birthday on Monday.  
My afternoon was spent watching Sing and Sign training DVDs. I'm starting to realise that next week I'll be teaching classes full of actual babies and Mummies and Daddies and I'm running out of time to practice!!
When I drove to pick up Miss L the sky got blacker and blacker as I drove into a storm. It was that beautiful stormy sunshine you get just before the downpour. 
The sun disappeared and the downpour started just as I got into the car park. Oh my God it was chucking it down!!!
I don't own an umbrella and was wearing my light, not even vaguely waterproof, jacket. Running late and knowing Miss E would be stood out in it soon waiting for me I had no choice but to make a run for it! It was a monsoon and of course I was about as far from the door as I could be so I got absolutely drenched!
Miss L wasn't outside where they normally are so it took me a little while to track them down. 
Miss L's teacher came down the stairs from the room where they were saying she'd like a word with "mum". I hate that. Unless you're my child or a midwife it's best not to call me Mum!!!
She said that Miss L - stood there in her short sleeved Summer dress and teeny white socks (see the day before yesterday's Blip) didn't seem to have a coat.
Or wellies.
Or her waterproof trousers.
As I stood there dripping in my unsuitable clothing the only response I could muster was a what-the-fuck-am-I-supposed-to-say-to-that "No" before wrapping Miss L in my sodden jacket and legging it back out into the monsoon to the car.
We got even more soaked and the inside of the car doors looked like I'd just chucked a bucket of water over them!
Naturally by the time I got the the end of the road to turn down to get Miss E the rain had stopped. Typical!!!!
We went to the cafe at Miss E's school for our Friday tea, brownies and smoothies. 
Miss E told me that her teacher from last year had found her school coat and come into her new classroom today especially to give it to her. 
That's the sort of teacher/coat interaction I prefer!!

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