The woman, the dog and the white geese

Today's the day ....................... for a parallel universe

There's just so much wrong with the components of the above picture and their juxtaposition in the sane world.

First of all, it's not really a scene you would expect to find at a motorway service station - the Roadchef Annandale Water Services A74(M) to be precise.  What was this woman thinking of - with her dog on the pink carpet - with all these white geese around? 

And this was just a small selection of them.  There were plenty more just round the corner - although they were being diverted by selfie-taking Chinese tourists.  Perhaps she thought they were more likely to go after her handbag clamped firmly between her feet?

It was all really quite bizarre and not a little unsettling .........................

PS (and extra photo) for Ron and Mags
Just to let you know that Maisie is fit and well - and has been handed over to her new carers!  Quite sure that you are having the most wonderful time but just in case you're in danger of completely forgetting the golf courses back home, here's a little reminder .......

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