'Birds Of A Feather '.

This isn't my work but was sent  today by a very good friend in Australia.We both taught in Berlin and it was one of those friendships that has never wavered..Even when she left for a life down under , my class and hers would exchange recordings .No skype then .During these  last few  weeks she's been a daily visitor on skype at 10:30 am CET .for laughs & chats.After a fun story about this trio she promised  a picture . These aged birds are her pets.The remaining hen  too old to lay means Mr  Rooster enjoys his retirement .Mr  Muscovy duck is 8 years old was hatched on her small holding.and hand raised. His treat is eating grated cheese ! Rooster and Duck go through a daily ritual of circling and eyeing each other up but live happily minus  ruffled feathers .Thanks to friendship , skype and communication I share this with you and thank those who made it possible.

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