Barefoot mud walk

I doubt I'll comment on any journals today. I'm too tired and still have our dinner to make.

We got up at 6 to be at Whitley Bay to pick up the boys before the parents left for work, the nursery being closed today for training. We were back home by 9, got them sorted and I left Mr C in charge while I dashed to my literature class. He coped, though he did dose off after lunch when James had his nap. Thomas and I played a shopping list game, then when James woke we went in the car to Cragside, to the adventure playground.

Thomas remembered I'd taken him on the barefoot walk so decided he'd do it himself this time. When James saw what fun it was at the muddy stage he wanted a go too. They spent more time there than in the playground. Of course hosing each other off at the end was heaps of fun too.

Before going home we had a picnic and walked to see the ducks on the lake. When James, soon to be 2, saw the lake he said "Wow, big puddle".

It was a rush to get bath and stories done and get them to bed. It worked out fine as Thomas wanted Grandad to do his bedtime so I did James. He didn't care who did it, he was asking to go, he was so tired. Fingers crossed for a peaceful night and not too early a morningM

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