Albion adventure

All packed up again and tomorrow heading down to San Francisco. What a city.

Today involved a cold and misty round of golf in the hills of Albion looking over the Pacific. On the last hole the seals were making such a racket from their position in the water it put us off our putting.. well that's the excuse anyway

Then it was off to a change of pace and a wine tasting tour of Navarro. Stunning place and it almost made it onto Blip... the difference 25 miles inland from the shore makes to the climate was incredible. Gone was the chilly Pacific mist and hello the bright burning sunshine on the vineyards. Lovely lovely place and I learnt a thing or two about Chardonnay.

Then back for a good old walk and it was time to turn our attentions to the big city again and the Golden Gate Bridge. Would love to be there for 09.00 tomorrow morning and teach these Americans a thing or two about running with a 5KM race under the bridge but a 200 mile drive doesn't make possible.

So long the lovely town of Albion.

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