Harvest again....

Another busy one. Filled the dryer up at 7am with the 10 tons of oats that has been sitting in a trailer since Monday and went to empty all the trailers of barley from yesterday into a bin. This is a very slow job and took till after lunch. Our grain handling set up was built in 1961 when a big trailer held 4 tons so the intake pit only holds 4 tons, not much use with a 10 ton trailer. And the conveyors and elevators do about5 tons an hour. It doesn't help that they are 55 years old and on their last legs and tend to break if you overload them. Maybe my lottery numbers will come up some day!
Wee brother took over the combine at 3pm while I turned some wet oat straw and carted in grain between round baling the end riggs .
Now sitting 20 feet up in the air shovelling grain into the top of a bin. Who says weekends are boring round here!
If you look carefully you might see wee brother sticking his Vs up at me taking the photo!

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