Car free Sunday

Central Brussels awoke to Car free Sunday in the centre so where we were we could stroll along the streets, cyclists were out in heavy numbers, street entertainment, markets and of course the usual cafes and restaurants. I was feeling the effects from yesterday and my progress around the area was slow. But we managed to see some people walking between two high rise buildings on a tight rope. At last my new lens came into its own and I got a close up, today's blip.'

My second blip is dedicated to my chain of cafes named after me in Belgium, France and beyond. Here I am inspecting a local property in the area.

Great last day, even if my legs could not carry me far. Had a lovely lunch, enjoyed a couple more beers, and still managed to do my washing and prepare for London tomorrow. I am tired now and will heed any advice to try and slow down for the next few days and will do so at Lords, home of cricket. Hope you all had as good a weekend as me.

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