Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


We were at the Churnet Valley Railway today, along with a great many beautiful dogs and their (it must be said) lovely owners. I said (rather too loudly, possibly?) that I had never seen so many old English sheepdogs in one place at the same time. I was (most pleasantly) 'put right'.. For they were Bearded Collies! It's so obvious when you know isn't it?
All utterly gorgeous anyway.
And otherwise you'd have been looking at a train.
(Not a steam train, owing to a mechanical fault, but a very pretty diesel.
I never thought 'pretty' was an adjective I'd be using next to diesel, but times change and even the diesels now seem to exude the charm of a bygone era).

It was a proper 'top down' day today (I'm talking cars as opposed to liberty bodices). The Peak District bathed in sunshine.

So did the B.C.s.

(I'm waay behind with blips.. I might back blip.. I might just press on regardless).

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