Norwegian Star

It's been a fine day, mostly cloudy but some sunny spells.  Fairly warm and dry.

My quiet night in ended up with friends along til the early hours of the morning, so work was a bit slow this morning!  It's been a really busy day in the museum, as a cruise liner in Lerwick.  The day soon passed and my roast beef for tea made me feel better :)  It's been a quiet evening at home, mixed with walkies with Sammy.  Time for telly and the sofa :)  

With the Norwegian Star visiting today, Lerwick was mobbed with visitors.  We had over 200 visitors in the first hour.  I popped in over on my lunch break to have a look at the liner.  This is the Norwegian Star anchored off in Bressay Soond, with the old toll booth on the right.  Taken at the Esplanade, Lerwick. 

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