Autumn Leaves

It's been a fairly dull day with the odd shower.  The sun has tried to come out now and again but with no luck. 

The day started busy in the museum with a toddler school group coming visit, with arts, crafts and music.  Thankfully we set it up yesterday but it took a while to tidy up and put away again. The afternoon was spent in the office and working with more photo orders for books etc.
After work, I had a walk around Scalloway with Sammy, not much photo opportunities with the dull afternoon.
The weekend is now started and I'm having a quiet one, all weekend.  Going to pop up to see sister Laura and then a quiet night in. 

Me and Sammy popped into the trees at Fraser Park.  After all the rain earlier this week, the ground was soaking but we managed to get through the peerie forest with our feet dry :)  Some of the trees are starting to turn autumn like with the leaves turning golden. We'll surely hold on to the leaves for a few more weeks, before they turn bare for winter.  Taken at Lovers Lane, Scalloway.  

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