Bye bye house

Me and A went over to the old house for the last ever time this morning. We met the agent there to do our final leaving inspection. It went really well and the agent agreed that the house is in much better condition now than it was when we took it on. Fingers crossed for all our deposit back.

It was quite emotional saying bye to the house. A lot has happened there in the last 3 years. A was born there and has been the only house he's ever known. P has grown from a toddler to a school girl. We've had lots of birthday parties and christmases. But even the mundane things like getting messy with the kids in the kitchen either cooking or doing crafts, playing together in the playroom and snuggles in bed on a weekend morning are cherished memories. I know all of these things will continue, just in different surroundings but it feels like a real end to a chapter of our lives. I hope the next people living in the house will be as happy as we were.

The rest of the day has been a whirlwind of errands to run in town, box unpacking, taking P to Rainbows and organising Mr J's birthday tomorrow.

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