Say hello to the sun

I took A to a birthday party for one of his nursery friends today. We were a bit late arriving due to a badly timed nap and got such a lovely surprise when we pulled up outside the hall. I heard a very familiar song, one I haven't heard for nearly 3 years. It evoked so many memories and emotions that I had to fight back the tears. I couldn't wait to get inside to hear more. It was a baby sensory party and the song was the "hello" song from the start of the class. I would never of thought that a children's song could have such an effect on me! All those classes that P and I attended for 2 years came flooding back. We had such a great time. I miss my little girl being so tiny, we had the best fun together and a lot of happy memories were made in those classes.

A really enjoyed the session today too. He joined in with everything and was full of beans. He especially enjoyed playing on 'Rody', one of P's old favourites too! I got chatting to some of the other nursery mums which was nice. Nursery drop off is so busy that we don't usually have time to speak.

P stayed at home with Mr J and cousin N came round to play.

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