
By tookie

Happy 4th Anniversary Goose and Gander!

To celebrate your day kids here is a collage of my day today...spend doing errands in Seattle and the dog park and coming back "home" here.
It just doesn't seem possible only four years ago today we joyfully celebrated your love with vows and joy and music and pies and dancing and family galore! What a grand and happy event it all was. Love you both mucho mucho! Many mwahs:)

In this collage you can see Seattle's Needle in both regular mode and illustration and some lake washington scenes done both ways too. Some random kayaks and dogs from the Luther Burbank dog park. Gives a sample not only of my day here , but what the new wee camera does.

Tomorrow we come down to share in the new home in Portland that Goose and Gander are establishing:) Here's to them!!! kids

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