
By cowgirl

Langon's Tea Rooms

Sav's on nights this week, and needed some documents printing. Our printer wasn't inclined to help, so we went into Burton to get it done and pick up some cat biscuits.

We decided to try Langon's as we'd never been in the 5 years that it's been open and we just learned that it's 8th in the top ten of Midlands tearooms.

It's a venture run by Burton Addiction Centre, which was set up by a lady called Noreen Oliver née Langon. The profits go to the O’Connor Gateway Charitable Trust, a charity that helps recovering addicts with work experience, training and education opportunities.

The building itself was built in 1882, but I haven't been able to find out anything about its history. However, said just told me there are some print outs about that on the wall on the way out that I didn't see! Will have to pay attention on our next visit ...

Anyway, it must have been a bit fancy, judging by the ceiling, which I've blipped.

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