The Lost Art of Writing

Chris came home from Primary School one day a little bit upset and and very disgruntled. When asked what was wrong he said "If my teacher wants to know something why doesn't she just ask me and I'll tell her? Why does she keep wanting me to write it down?" It set the scene for the rest of his school career. He hated writing. He hated the very act of putting pen to paper and making it write words. He loved words. He could talk the hind legs off a donkey (he's since made a career of it) but writing them down was seen as a complete waste of his time and effort. When he was in secondary school he started to use a computer and that wasn't quite so bad. Not as good as talking but not nearly as bad as writing.

I was surprised today when he got out a notebook and pen and started making some notes of a meeting he'd just attended. I think maybe at last he's made his peace with the art of writing.

Extra - Chris.

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