Stuffing Envelopes

It was that sort of day, thoroughly wet and miserable. A perfect day for stuffing cards and envelopes into cellophane wrappers and sticking on little labels with the legend, 'This card left blank for your personal greeting.'

Len was very helpful. Between us, we finished most of the cards.

To Fosse Park in the afternoon to seek a refund on a pair of trousers. I thought I'd lost the receipt, so was disappointed when the assistant said she could only give me back £2.99. Suddenly, the mysterious receipt fluttered out of a fold in the trousers. I uttered a suitable joyous expletive and turned round to see the queue behind me laughing their socks off.

I ate proper gluten free scones in the cafe this time and didn't poison myself, as far as I know.

On arriving home, I went straight to bed and slept most of the night.

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